Thursday, January 26, 2006

NeoHuasca Taking The Red Pill

NeoHuasca - A Mimosa hostillis extract with a dark red coloring that can be gel capped and taking in conjunction with an MAOI such as syrian rue. Such a combination results in a powerful entheogenic experience. I call it NeoHuasca both as a nod to the Matrix films and the Red Pill that Neo swallows to make his escape, and to differentiate it from traditional Ayahuasca or Yaje. Having tryed traditional formulations of Yaje I can tell you that the effects are markedly different. NeoHuasca is just as powerful of a hallucinagen but without the purging and crapping that goes along with the traditional methods. Having experienced both I find I prefer NeoHuasca for convenience sake. There is something to be said however for the traditional method of brewing and consumption. The purging that comes with it can have a powerful healing effect but there is a definate recovery period, at least for me, and the Red Pills are far better suited to the magickal operations with which I am currently involved. The following is a short discription of how to prepare NeoHuasca:

How to Create Red Pills

Ingredients and Equipment
Mimosa hostilis (Jurema)Mimosa Hostilis

Mimosa hostilis (Jurema)Syrian Rue

Lemon juice concentrate
A pyrex baking dish
A Crockpot and/or 2 large pots (dutch oven style work best)
Blender or coffee grinder
Coffee filters and/or pantyhoes (filter and strain)

Using scissors or shears cut the M. Hostilis bark into pieces small enough to fit in your blender or grinder and then pulverize it. Dump your now pulverized root bark into a crockpot or large dutch oven style pot, I don't have a working crockpot so I use a pot. Pour in just enough water to cover your root bark, then turn on the heat and bring to a boil. Now begin adding your lemon juice about a tablespoon at a time, until the water starts forming a frothy bubbles this is a sign that we have acidified the water in the right amount. Now, cover the pot and simmer at a low boil for about 3 hours. Pour the mixture through your filter into another pot and put aside, take the pulp that you strained out and return it to your boiling pot and again cover it with water and add lemon juice, boiling for another 3 hours. Repeat the filtering process adding this liquid to the first batch, discarding the pulp. Boil until there is about an inch of liquid left in the pot. Pour this now dark red liquid into your Pyrex baking dish and put it over low heat. It will start to bubble, when these bubbles start to grow bigger instead of popping and/or the liquid starts getting thick and viscous turn off the heat and cover the pan and put it aside to cure. The resulting residue will by a sticky tarlike substance that is a dark red to maroon color that you will have to scrape off the dish. You can gel cap it and take it along with gel capped ground Rue. The tar is very sticky and can be a bit fustrating to cap, If you leave the tar out in the air it will eventually (after many days) turn into a hard resin like compound. This resin can be powdered and used in the gel caps as well. I am not sure if there is a loss of potency when you let it dry out that much, I only discovered this after I only had a little left of the substance and the effect seemed a bit weaker but that could have been because I had to make due with a smaller dose. Here is some guidelines on dosage:
6-10 grams of the M. Hostilis extract
3-4 grams Syrian Rue

I have found that taking the gel caps in 3 doses every 20 min. eliminates nausea and makes for a smooth trip.

Have fun exploring and as always be careful!


Dr. Fong said...

YUM! This is a great site! Keep up the good work.

Dr. Fong said...

but no mention of my pal, Terence Mckenna?
For shame...

Michael said...

actually the ratio I use is about 2:1 rue and mimosa. I don't get much nausea as long as I break up my dosage into 3 doses taken every 20 min. or so.

Joy! said...

I would mention that this is not a beginner's dose, but the site itself isn't for the casual adventurer into the heart of the soul either, so perhaps that itself will make readers aware?

Do you advise the use of drum or rattle to enhance and stabilize the brain rhythms? I would suggest it, even if it is recorded. There are several sites that sell ayawuasquero's singing.The experience isn't only the medicine plant. The journey is guided when in the jungles and we should all remember it is a sacred experience.

Thank you for your well conceived and informative site.