Practicing my own personal form of neo-shamanism has been a transformational experience for me. Looking over some of my old journal entries I find that I have changed much in my world view and my expectiation about life. Primarily I have found that the most rewarding aspect of my practice has been that it has forced my time and again to confront fear. It is the confrontation and transcending of fear that I believe it THE most important factor in attainment of shamanic knowledge. I believe that this experience is similar to that of "Stalking Power" which has been described by other authors of books on indigenous shamanism. Only by transcending our fears can we have access to true power. We modern humans living in the so called First World nation states are constantly bombarded with images and symbols of fear. The evening news if filled with terrorizing images. Irronically however, our society is suprisingly safe. We have fairly long lifespans especially compared with those living in the so called Third World. Few of us have to fear that our children will be drafted into a revolutionary army or kidnapped and held for ransom. This illustrates the disconnect from reality that the western news media has succesfully created for the viewing public. Magick, shamanism and psychedelics as well as other technologies of de-conditioning are vital to those who wish to wake up from the socio-cultural mediasphere.
Fear is the control mechanism that is used by the elite to control you. It has been this way since the beginning of culture (i.e. the beginnings of cities and governments) If we are to fully awaken to our potential as human beings it is essential to learn to overcome the culturally enforced irrational fears that are use to contol us. I have found that by using the techniques of hermetic magick, shamanism and the selective use of plant based psychoactives that it is possible to see thru the illusion of culture. To in effect see thru the Matrix and become aware. Aware of what you may ask? Well I will not say aware of reality because after all, each of us percieves reality in our own way. What I will say is that by deconditioning yourself you learn to sense the world in a more primal way, as a reaction to your sensory input unfiltered by culturaly installed mental programs. Hopefully, one day enough people will become aware of how we are controlled and free themselves enough to effect change on this planet on a much wider scale. Until that time comes I encourage everyone to question, explore and push the boundaries of thier experience, only by doing so can you arrive at some understanding of the nature of awareness and hopefully help others to become more aware.